EWAlution 96706

This dynamic partnership called EWAlution 96706 (E9) has been making a difference in Ewa Beach since 2000. The E9 coalition works to keep Ewa Beach a safe, healthy, and drug-free community for its youth and families. Supported by CDFH, E9 began through the combined efforts of invested members including youth, residents, parents, and agencies that provide services and programs in the community. Its mission is to reduce and prevent substance abuse in Ewa Beach through community collaboration and positive action. In keeping with its vision, “Ewa Beach is a place where community members, adults and youth alike, can and will create positive change,” the coalition’s goal is to work collaboratively to create positive community-level changes that will reduce and prevent youth substance abuse in Ewa Beach. EWAlution mobilizes leadership and participation from all sectors, collaborating and organizing activities to promote safe and healthy lifestyles, family strengthening, and community pride. 

Social Media Campaign: @ewalution96706


A social media campaign featuring the people, places, and practices that make Ewa and Ewa Beach what it is today. Modeled after the popular “Humans of New York” social media campaign, the project was conceptualized with media partner Upspring Media to capture and share stories that reflect the heart and soul of the Ewa and Ewa Beach community – the relationships, connections, and personal experiences of the people that bring Ewa and Ewa Beach to life. 

Purpose: To increase awareness of EWAlution 96706 and build capacity by connecting community members to each other. Establishing a sense of place, and creating a network of diverse community members through a broad reaching platform for sharing the stories, values, and vision of Ewa Beach.

Goals: Increase visibility of the coalition and strengthen community pride. Increase community readiness through awareness of issues and needs of the community and sharing of community resources. Increase sustainability through strengthening existing relationships, inspiring new connections, and providing a platform for communication and a call to action.

EWAlution 96706 91-884 Fort Weaver Rd.
Ewa Beach, HI  96706

Funded by the State of Hawaii Department of Health through the Partnerships for Success Grant funds.

E9 Youth Leadership

Blood, Sweat & Tears Film

Can middle school students change the world? After three years of organizing and advocacy, a middle school activism club is celebrating. This school year, students all across Hawaii now have access to free menstrual products in their schools, in part because of ‘Ilima Intermediate School’s Activist Club and their mission to end period poverty. In this animated and spunky guide produced by Teach for America, these young activists and their teacher, Sarah “Mili” Milianta-Laffin, share their journey and offer a lesson to other would-be change-makers

Day of Silence

James Campbell High School students honored and celebrated Day of Silence to raise awareness, support, and encourage LGBTQ+ equality and inclusion. Students proudly wore stickers, tattoos, and other pride materials to show allyship on campus and took a vow of silence to take action against the impact of anti-LGBTQ+ harassment and discrimination.


Junior & Senior Prom 2023

Students at James Campbell High School partnered with EWAlution 96706 to promote a Safe Sober Junior Senior Prom. Students had the opportunity to take a photo pledge, "I PROMise to have a Safe, Sober and Fun Prom Night". Many students engaged in this activity and displayed their excitement and commitment to being alcohol- and drug-free.

JCHS students were successful in putting together 420 Junior Prom favors and 650 Senior Prom favors with a reminder message to stay alcohol- and drug-free on prom night. The prevention messages and favor designs were created by the Student Council and were put together and placed on the tables by the Prom Committee, Student Council, and volunteer students. It was a team effort! This activity will happen again for next school year for the class of ‘24 & class of ’25 proms.  Check out the Prom 2023 photos below! Senior Prom is pictured on the left and Junior Prom is pictured on the right.

Campbell Complex Gender Sexuality Alliance Clubs

Campbell Complex Gender Sexuality Alliance Clubs comprised of students, teachers, and allies proudly participated in the Honolulu Pride Parade in October 2022. Youth leaders from Ilima Intermediate School, Ewa Makai Middle School, Campbell High School, and DreamHouse Ewa Beach decorated and made signs for the event, marched and/or rode the trolley, and participated in the end of parade festivities. Ewalution 96706 and GSA club advisors worked together to coordinate this enthusiastic group of about 100 marchers. The 2023 Pride Parade is currently being planned with hopes of increasing the number of participant marchers to represent our Campbell Complex!  

JCHS Student Internships

During the 2021 - 2022  school year, EWAlution 96706 acquired a James Campbell High School Intern. Taya helped with several projects focusing on substance misuse prevention including outreach messages to her peers regarding underage drinking and keeping safe on prom night. The prom favor message and social media posts that she created reached hundreds of students, families, and community members. See Taya’s presentation that highlights her internship experience.  

Breathe Aloha Mural

James Campbell High School Junior Student Council along with Hawai’i Public Health Institute, 808 No Vape, Keep It Flowing, and EWAlution 96706 collaborated to create and write messages for this beautiful Breathe Aloha Mural on campus.  The Breathe Aloha is a statewide effort to prevent vaping through art and education.

Youth In Action: Food Distribution

James Campbell High School students volunteered their time to help distribute bags of food to community members.  Despite the rain and windy weather, the students brought smiles to many families. This event is hosted by Hale Pono - Ewa Beach Boys and Girls Club and EWAlution 96706 is a proud supporter. Community Food Distribution is held regularly and welcomes student involvement.

Please contact Aunty Shalei at 808-689-0267 for more information on how to get involved.